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Friday, January 20, 2012

Health articles

  Cardio Exercise 
   Many benefits to cardio health. Actually, what is a cardio workout? The word cardio means heart. So, cardio exercise can be interpreted as an exercise that trains the heart. Cardio exercise is also a type of aerobic exercise that requires oxygen. With this exercise, the heart of trained will increase oxygen intake and distribution of more leverage. Intake and maximal oxygen distribution and improve the health of blood cells as a whole and increase calorie burning.
To obtain the optimal fat burning, cardio should be done on the heart rate of 65%. It can be calculated through the formula (220 - age) x 65%. Heart rate should be maintained at that range for optimal fat burning. To know our heart rate during exercise, can be used a tool called a heart rate monitor. Usually in the form of a wristwatch. If you use a treadmill, it's easier because the tool is equipped with sensors that measure heart rate.
Basically, any exercise done in the range of medium intensity (heart rate 65%) able to burn fat optimally. Several types of sports that are categorized as medium-intensity exercise is jogging, biking, and swimming.
Many are advised to do cardio in the morning because it will increase the burning of body fat and metabolic rate throughout the day. Cardio in the morning also makes us "wake up" and ready to perform the activity with enthusiasm.
If you want to maximize fat burning, avoid breakfast before cardio. Food can cause the release of the hormone insulin into the blood. These hormones affect the mobility of fat, so that the lower insulin levels, the higher the amount of fat burned. In addition, if we eat right before cardio workout, burn fat is the fat in your food first, and then followed by fat in the body.
If cardio exercise performed in fasting conditions, this practice can lead to loss of muscle mass. After overnight fasting, fat burning will occur more optimum. Unfortunately, this condition is also the optimum conditions for burning muscle because the amount of carbohydrates as energy sources is very low.
To prevent this, do not do excessive cardio. Cardio exercise in fasting conditions should not be more than 30-40 minutes of moderate intensity (heart rate 65%).
If you combine cardio training with weights, cardio the right time is after you practice.
If you do cardio before lifting weights, you will lose some energy. Consequently, when lifting weights, you lose the main energy source, namely carbohydrates that support your strengths.
Instead, do cardio after lifting weights for 30-40 minutes so effective in burning fat and muscle mass is not lost. After practicing, should inadequate needs of your body by eating a balanced protein and carbohydrates.
In cardio exercise, there is a method called the method of variation of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This method is able to burn more fat with relatively minimal training time. This method is itself a practice strategy that combines high-intensity exercise and is in some interval.
Research in 2001 at East Tennessee showed that test subjects who followed the program HIIT burned 100 more calories per day after practice. This study also proves that HIIT increase metabolic processes in muscle cells that stimulate the fat burning process.

by admin

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