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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Typical Characteristics Indonesia Batik Art

  One result of the work of the people of a nation that until now still makes the world was amazed and fascinated even the Batik. Batik is an Indonesian cultural products are very unique and is a cultural richness that must be preserved and cultivated. In addition, Batik Clothing is also one potential solution to boost foreign exchange through the revitalization of small and medium industries. Batik Clothing Up to now used as a very exotic clothing. Especially because the model Batik and motifs unique and diverse both in the eyes of the indigenous communities themselves or foreigners and no exception masisir.

In the manufacturing process, Batik-consuming process was quite long and complicated. Starting from a great selection of fabric and fit, then the drug batik, and penyablonan or painting / art of batik painting. The process, starting from pattern making, then closing and coloring done repeatedly until getting the desired results. The process of closing the night or the material fabric with wax material such that the pores do not stain fabrics. The instrument used for the closure process is Canting, Anglo or small skillet to stove and heat the night. However, the most elaborate is the Mode batik canting because it requires special skills and few people are able to make batik canting. On average people who are skilled in producing batik canting is a community in the area Pekalongan, Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
The uniqueness of the art of batik or batik mode itself can be the motive of diverse motives ranging from classic to modern nuances. The definition of motive is a decorative motifs used in the process of batik painting or applying.
The panelists and international fashion designers such as Japan recognizes that the Model Batik can provide an inspiration to produce an international clothing trends. Lots of contemporary clothing trend that began oriented and utilize the art of batik. Until now the public interest abroad of batik is very large.
But it seems that Batik is a product of civilization and culture of the archipelago we're almost had a 'missed'. Batik art is less unnoticed to be empowered as a potential source of foreign exchange. If this condition goes Relax with what we are, then we can predict the state will incur a loss that is very alarming. The loss is not only in terms of material resources which we can use to boost foreign exchange through tourism and export-import. but also losses in terms of their authenticity as a product of Indonesian civilization would be threatened less distinct in the eyes of the world internasioanal and over time will fade swallowed era.
Imagine, batik has been the mascot for the visualization of our cultural wealth in the eyes of the world began to blur originality as one of the wealth of cultural treasures of the archipelago. In fact, ironically, batik ready "appropriated" by other nations as original products of their country. But most importantly, if we stick estafeta the successor of the nation's life to know or at least concerned with this fact?. Maybe you could say that cares so little of it because the majority of our society still view the batik one eye. Similarly, our government is less intense or concerned with the batik industry archipelago. Yet if people and governments are willing and caring together, surely now may even have long, batik became a masterpiece and the belle of the world community.
Sources: pii-mesir.org Written by Siti Majidah (Crew Musafir)

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