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Thursday, January 19, 2012

History of Western Art

Principles of Material: A. Civilization of Crete. B. Greek Community Life. C. Greek Government System. D. The belief system of Greece. E. Greek Cultural Heritage. F. End of Glory Greek period.
Civilization of Crete (2600 BC - 2000 BC)

Figure 1. Area Map of Ancient Greece
To understand the ancient European civilization, then check out the map above. Then read the descriptions below carefully. History of Ancient Europe originated from public life the island of Crete, located in the south of Greece with the central government in Knossus. In addition there Knossus big cities the other is Phaestos, Tylissos, Hanos. The location is very strategic island of Crete that is in the middle of shipping lanes between Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia. The situation is exploited by the community life of the island of Crete for the shipping sector and trade. Besides the island of Crete is also a cultural bridge between Asia, Africa and Europe.
Sources if that tells about the history of the island of Crete? The history of the island of Crete can be known from the literature in the form of legends and mythology written by the poet Homer called the Iliad and Odysseia. Homer tells the beautiful scenic island of Crete, has no less than 90 cities. The description was reinforced by Sir Arthur Evans from England who first excavated in 1878 AD With the excavation was discovered archeological evidence concerning the glory of the island of Crete in the past. What are the relics of the civilization of Crete Island? The discussion below will answer your curiosity. From shipping activities and trade has led to a high level of prosperity for the island of Crete. Towns and trading centers such as Knossus Phaestos been well ordered. Bangunnan buildings are generally made of brick and there is a storied buildings.
Knossus found in the ruins of the castle-shaped labyrinth (the cochlea). Consider the ruins of the palace Knossus image below. Why Knossus palace shaped cochlea?
Labyrinth comes from the word Labrys which means "easy to get lost". Palace building is designed so that anyone who entered would easily get lost because the arrangement of rooms, room and aisle complicated to deter the criminals who entered the palace and want to loot the wealth of the palace.
Figure 2. IstanaKnossus ruins.
Also because of its strategic location it was likely the island of Crete became the target of another nation to conquer and master it. Crete Island people also know the art of Painting frescoes, art porcelain / pottery, carvings in ivory and other media and art of metal craft. The artwork also produces household appliances such as carpentry tools, shoes, metal casting and others.
In addition, they also had known form of writing called Minos writing. Minos name derived from the name of a great king in Crete, even the culture of the island of Crete was finally called Minoan culture. Although it has been found relics of writing, but until now have not managed to read so that the history of the island of Crete could not be clearly revealed. In the 15th century BC Crete empire collapsed. What do you think is the cause of the collapse? Write your answers on ttitik-point below.

Once you write down the answers and then match it with the description below.
The end the triumph of the island of Crete could not be described with certainty. According to experts there is a possibility alleged because of natural disasters. Around the 15th century BC Thera mountain that is located 100 km. the northern island of Crete, erupted and spewed ash that covered the larvae and the sky, blocking off various life activities as well as plants. In addition to natural disasters, the nation's immigrant invasion presumably derived from the Indo German race from Central Asia who moved to Greece and then to the island of Crete.
Apart from civilization lies the island of Crete there is a possibility under the influence of Egypt and Mesopotamia for trade and shipping as you have read the description above. After the collapse of culture developed in Crete Greece mainland initially located in the city of Mycena (one of the areas of governmental power before the island of Crete.) That is why the island of Crete is known as a cultural bridge from Asia, Africa and Europe. '
After reading the above description, of course you already understand about the civilization of Crete. Furthermore, do it under this task.
Answer the questions below by filling in the dots beside 1. Historical sources to learn about the island of Crete is ... and .... 2. Economic life of society rests on the activities of the island of Crete .... 3. Cultural heritage of the island of Crete ....
a. ....
b. ....
c. ....
d. .... 4. The purpose of making the palace is shaped Labyrinth .... 5. Crete Island people familiar with writing called .... 6. The causes of the collapse of the kingdom of the Island of Crete, among others, because ... or ....
Answer 1. Iliad stories and essays Odyseia Nomerus and excavation direruntuhan Knossus by Sir Arthur Evans. 2. Shipping and trade. 3. Arts building, painting, ceramics, sculpture and metal crafts. 4. Prevent strangers or intruders who entered the palace and want to plunder the wealth of the palace. 5. Minos. 6. Natural disasters are caused by volcanic eruption of Thera, or invasion of the Indo German. Whether your answer is right? Good. So you can continue to learn about the Greek civilization in the subsequent description.
Greek Community Life
Before discussing the life of Greek society you need to understand first the geographical location of Greece. Consider the map on page 1 and then read the following description. The geographical position of Greece is now the same as the ancient Greeks that you will learn. Greece lies at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula. In addition to those on the mainland territory also includes the islands in the Sea Aegeia. The limits currently in the northern Greek border with Albania, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Turkish, in the east is Aegeia Sea, south of the Mediterranean Sea and the west is the Ionian Sea.
If the ancient civilizations in Asia and Africa that you've learned to have a general pattern of a river valley civilization with the main economic activities are agriculture (agriculture), the Greek and Roman civilizations as cultural roots of European civilization to deviate from the general pattern.
Most of the mountainous area of ​​Greece so that between regions separated from one another. Thirty per cent of land area contained low near the sea and are formed by river silt. The rest of the Peloponnese and Attica peninsula.
The mountains and bays in innumerable Greek at that time prevents communication by land. Valleys and lowlands are separate geographical units which are natural and economic, and political units into the separator unit. Political unity is called Polis and the State of the City (City State) whose territory includes the town itself and surrounding areas. Land of mountainous Greece are generally less fertile. On the slopes of the mountain communities can grow wheat and grapes. To find a fertile area the farmers (called Colonus) left the country and set up colonies around Greece. Greek colonies, among others, found in southern Italy, Egypt, Palestine and Asia Minor (now Turkey). From these activities came the term colonialism. Between the colonists with its mother country remained intertwined relationship.
In addition to agricultural activities, the Greeks also developed the economy through the activities of shipping and trade because its strategic location in the Mediterranean waters. After knowing the state of nature, what follows can you learn about who the Greeks it?
The Greeks were a mixture between natives and migrants coming from the pasture around the Caspian Sea. They include Ras Indo German called Hellas that valiant nation. They immigrated since 2000 Sm later settled in various areas. Doria tribes settled in the Peloponnese peninsula with the main policy Sparta.Suku Ionia nation settled in the peninsula of Attica with Athens main policyholder. Aeolian tribes settled in Northern Greece with its main policy Delphi.
Policyholders who initially developed in mainland Greece is the city of Mycena trade (which was originally a royal colony of Crete). Then developed hundreds of policyholders in Greece. Relations between the Greek polis, among others in the trade and exchange of ideas / ideas that later formed the Greek civilization. Greek community as a proud citizen of the city, they felt Superior while living outside the nation's policy is considered as "barbaric". Superior taste it then looks at the people who live in the leading Greek poleis of Sparta and Athens, among others. The Greeks difficult united by mutual policyholders between competing for peak power. But when faced with the threat of another nation between Sparta and Athens policyholder can "come together" so as to obtain the victory. Fitting adage that states "united we stand, divided we fall divorced".
Who are the people who attacked Greece and why? The attack was carried out by the Persians who held three times between the years 500-480 BC, so called war on Persia. The cause is helping local Greek colonies in Asia Minor who were targeted expansion of the Persian king.
Events that draw on the Persian wars is the marathon. How is the event? In the attack two years to ± 490 BC the Persian army can be defeated by the Athenian troops near the town of Marathon. Soldier named Feidippides the news of this victory by running as far as 26 kilometers from Marathon to Athens. To commemorate that event in the world of sports then you know the marathon race. Are you able to run a marathon? Please try!
Greek public life that inhabit the Mediterranean climate is always warm and fresh lets be optimistic and cheerful character. The atmosphere of the bright sky without a cloud in the area of ​​Attica (Athens) also causes a high spirit of its people and his creation stand out. That is why the Athenian culture developed rapidly both in the field of arts and science and philosophy.
Before you study the following descriptions, then answer the questions below to gauge your understanding. You try to answer the question first, then match it with the answer key below. Table 1. Greek public life
After you finish working and then match your answer with the answer key below. Answer 1. Ionian Sea 2. Sea Aegeia 3. Southern Italy, Egypt, 4. Greek farmers 5. Shipping and trade 6. City state 7. Doria 8. Grasslands around Palestine and Asia Minor Caspian Sea 9. Feidippides 10. Cheerful and optimistic Did you answer all right? Good. Now you can continue the lessons of the Greek government system by reading the following description.
Greek Government System
Greece never had a centralized system of government because each policyholder develop their respective systems of government. In the following description you can learn the system of governance from two leading Greek polis which Sparta and Athens with a different constitution. When you learn you learn the true Greek civilization civilization of Athens polis. 1. Sparta: Sparta constitution divides society into three groups, namely: a. "Citizens" or the people of Sparta whose numbers between 5-10% of the population. They consist of the rulers and soldiers. b. The Helot: the bulk of the population working as farmers, farm laborers and servants of the people of Sparta. c. Peiroikoi ie living in the suburbs, living as farmers, traders and worked in the mines they liked the personal freedom. "Citizens" or the people Spartans are the descendants of the conquerors (Doria Ethnic groups) coming from the north towards the Peloponnese. They occupied the lowlands of the most fertile Laconia and urged the natives to be the Helot and Perioikoi.
To keep the possibility of a revolt from within and from outside, the ruler of Sparta government was always alert and increase its military strength, especially in the reign of Lycurgus around the year 625 BC.
Militaristic Spartan system of government that vested military training and strict discipline for the community. Newborn child underwent a physical examination before Ephor. Babies who are disabled or unhealthy dumped in caves or in the mountains and left to die or to be in the collection by people Helot. Parents raise their son until the age of 7 years. After that they put into a military school run by the state. They trained as a formidable army.
At age 20 they are allowed to get married but have lived in the barracks / romance army until age 30 years to devote all his life as a soldier. Duties as the new army lasts until the age of 60 years. At age 30 they became citizens who have the right to vote. With the move Sparta became the strongest policy in Peloponnese peninsula.
Sparta government is run by two kings of the absolute and hereditary. In addition to King, there are positions as an advisor ephor numbering 5 persons. Another institution which consists of only 28 people aged 60 years or more, called Gereousia. Gereousia have veto power over legislation proposed by the House. Who are the members of the House? Members of the House is all male Spartan citizens aged 30 years or more, they convene every full moon. Sparta can be said is the world of men. Men act as soldiers, the makers of laws and regulations. Limited women's activities as a wife, mother and household manager.
Up here a description of the Spartan system of government. To measure your understanding, do the following tasks. Please write down your answers and then match these answers with the answer key below.
Answer the questions below clearly: 1. Explain the difference professions / occupations of the people of Sparta (Citizens) with the Helot. Answer: .... 2. Describe the membership of the House in Sparta differences with Indonesia. Answer: .... 3. Why direct democracy is difficult in place now? Answer: ....
Answer Exercise 1. - Citizens: As a ruler or a soldier. - The Helot: farmers, farm laborers and servants Citizens 2. - Differences membership Sparta with Indonesia Parliament: House of Sparta consisted of all male
male citizens of Sparta whose voice personal mewakil in the House forum. - The membership of the House of Representatives in Indonesia: the representatives elected by the people through the fraction-
factions in the House who held office during the period of 5 years. 3. Direct democracy can not be implemented on today because of a very large number of people reaching hundreds of millions of people make it difficult to meet in person.
2. Athens Different from life in Athens at Sparta. If the citizens of Sparta have an obligation to the tasks of government and national defense in the atmosphere of the Athenian democracy have freedom of thought, opinion and forward in the political, economic, batik art, sculpture, art, buildings and literary arts.
Athens experienced the evolution of perfect government originally aristocratic class (nobility) mengesyahkan oligarkhi power (the government in the hands of a group of people). Then switch to a system of government tirany (holders of power in the hands of one person in power is full) and then changed again into a democratic system. What is the meaning of democracy? Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Democratic government in Athens reached the peak of glory in Pericles (462-429 BC). Some statesmen and warriors before the law, among others, Drako Pericles (621 BC), Solon (594 BC), Kleistenes (508 BC). System of government in Athens to know beberpa institutions include: a. Archon is the implementing rule amounted to 9 people. b. Areopagos the board that oversees the implementation of governance Archon, as well as serves as the supreme court. Its members are former archon. c. Such Boule DPR (House of Representatives) who have the duty: 1. set archon 2. hold the archon 3. punish archon.
d. In the field of defense and security held by 10 men of war tactician who controls the army and navy.
To maintain a democratic life then there is the habit to alienate or isolate a ruler who at one stage in his administration had been suspected of trying to become the absolute ruler that could harm the country. The action was called ostrakisme exclusion. The term comes from the word ostrakon ostrakisme the pot from the clay fraction. Look at pictures ostrakon below!
Figure 3. Signs Ostrakisme
Each resident can write a character that is considered dangerous in Ostrakon. If there is a certain amount of a person's name written in Ostrakon then he will be exiled. The results of excavations in Athens has ever been found no less than 1000 Ostrakon which Pericles name written among other things.
If so, whether those benefits Ostrakon? Ostrakon useful to remind us to always keep a balance between personal ambition to the interests of the state. Once you learn the system of government of Sparta and Athens then write down your conclusions about the system of governance in the two policies are at the points below.

It can be concluded that the Spartan system of government dominated by the military, while Athens is dominated by civilian groups to develop a democratic system. Both the governmental system developed and applied by modern states today.
You have finished studying the Greek system of government, of course there are many things you need to know for example about trust the Greeks. For more details, please read the following description.
The belief system of Greece
The Greeks worshiped many gods or Polytheism. In contrast to the attitude of people towards the East is seen as a personal god who was worshiped because of fear. The gods of the east is a spirit or portrayed as the ruler of nature and animals there are tangible, while the Greeks describe the worship of the gods-bodied and behave like humans and even the Athenians themselves claim descent ion of the child god Apollo. In the view of the Greeks, the gods have a body like a human but bigger, more beautiful and can not die. Gods and goddesses have properties such as humans, there are good and bad. Family gods, fight and compete to retain power. In addition to their gods also worship the hero (hero) is a powerful demigod but can die. One is the famous hero Hercules.
Gods and goddesses, among others there are who live in the hills Olymphus led by the supreme god Zeus married Hera the goddess of love. Consider the bust known as the god Zeus in the picture alongside. Gods and goddesses worshiped by the Greeks who follows next is: 1. Ares, god of war. 2. Artemis, goddess of the hunt. 3. Hermes, the god of commerce. 4. Poseldion, god of the sea. 5. Apollo, god of the sun and the arts. 6. Pallas Athena, goddess of safety (protector of the city) and science. 7. Aphrodite, goddess of beauty. 8. Dyonisos, god of wine. 9. Hades, god of death. 10. Pan, the god of cattle. 11. Demeter, the god of agriculture.
Figure 4. Chest Statue of Zeus
How the Greeks do homage to the gods, especially the worship of the god Zeus? In honor of the god Zeus, since the year 776 BC the Games was held for 5 days on the mountain called the Olympic Olymphus. This event was attended by all insurance didataran both Greek and colony areas. Sports that competed include: running. jump, javelin, shot put, discus throwing, wrestling, horse racing and chariot races. On the evening of theatrical performances are held / art as well as night markets held.
The athletes who all competed in the male sport. Athletes who won the prize and the honor is usually a crown and foliage, such as olive leaf in Olymphia, Salam leaf in the city of Delfi and parsley leaves in the city of Argolis. In addition the winner also received various prizes such as 100 jars of olive oil, a bag in her hometown.
What are the benefits of Olympics for the Greeks? Olympic useful as an integral tool for the Greeks. Because at the last Olympics four years once every policyholder should maintain peace and stop wars. Because the function is very important as a means of unifying the party made the Olympics in the sports world party.
In addition to the worship of the god Zeus and his family, in every country town (policyholders) also have their respective gods. Worship of local gods became the dividing factor of Greek society.
To find out your understanding of the Olympics, answer the questions below. 1. Since when Olympic sports world becomes a party for the first time? .... 2. Who are the party who proposed the convening of the sports world with the name of the Olympic Games in modern times? .... 3. At the Olympic party where and when, Indonesia obtained the first gold medal? .... 4. Who sportsmen and sportswomen who won the gold medal? .... and .... 5. Does the Olympic benefits could be applied to this 21st century? Explain! Discuss the above questions with your friends. If you have difficulty, ask your sports teacher. Collect your answer to the teachers coached you in school organizers.
Is your hobby and even sports as an athlete representing your area? Good! Develop hobbies and talents continued positive.
In addition to the worship of gods and goddesses on Mount Olymphus, the Greeks also frequently visited the shrine necromancy / forecasts in the city of Delphi. Greek society has a habit of doing things before they ask for prophecy in the temple.
Until here, whether you've mastered the above description well? If you have, your sincerity now proceed to study the description is no less important is the cultural heritage of Greece.
Greek Cultural Heritage 1. Literary Arts. Greece is famous poets from Homer who wrote the book of the Iliad and Odysseia. Both books are closely related to historical events, called the Trojan war. City of Troy is located in the Anatolian peninsula in southern Strait of Dardanelles. A researcher from Germany who named Heinrich Schlieman have found some evidence of the civilization of Troy as described in works such Komerus. What's in the literature is Homer?
Book of the Iliad recounted the incident that caused the Trojan wars princess Helena of Sparta was taken by Prince Paris of Troy (see figure 5. Below).
Figure 5. Relief Kidnapping Princess Helena by the Prince of Paris
Agamemmon battle ensued between the king of Greece by the king Priamus of Troy. Trojan hero named Hector can be defeated by the Greek hero named Achilles. Greek army can win the war through the ploy "Trojan Horse" to the idea of ​​king Odysseus. Did you know about these tactics? Trojan horse is a giant wooden horse in which Greek soldiers used to hide. The horse was placed outside the walls of Troy. The Trojans fooled, timber mistaken for a gift horse then withdrawn into the fort. When the Greek army flew open and a sudden attack. Meanwhile, the fleet who pretend to leave the Trojans came back joined in the attack. Thus defeat the Trojan army.
Odysseia Book tells the story of Odysseus' wanderings after the Trojan War. Because his wife named Penelope to marry again then named his son Telemachos catch wandering.
For the Greeks and Odysseia Illias story has become one of pride and an integral tool Greeks. What are the factors that become an integral tool that the Greeks?

Some Greeks unifying factor is: 1. Olympic activities to worship the god in Olymphus setiao four years. 2. Illias and Odyseia story. 3. Feeling a descendant of the nation Hellas. 4. Feeling the ground water is ground Hellas / Greece. 5. The habit came to the temple of necromancy / forecasts in the city of Delphi.
Besides works of literary art that are Wira Carita Homer (epic stories), the Greeks also loved art drama. Yunanilah the first person to write plays that can feel about another person from the side of life. Love, hatred, murder, mystery and others. Some character drama among other tragedies by Aeschylus Oresteia his work entitled, Sopochles with his work entitled Antigone. While his character comedy-drama with his work titled Lysistrata Aristophanes. Would you like to play the drama, have you ever played one of the above works of Greek drama? Or have you ever watched the play with the story above? If the school organizers or other schools in the city sempatkanlah you watch because it will add to your insight.
In addition to literary arts, cultural heritage is the famous Greek building art and sculpture. Consider the following description.
2. Chisel Art Building and Art At first the art of sculpture / carving sculptures such as statues of Greek produce the Egyptians, and then developed into a more naturalistic style of life. The statue is made of marble and bronze. A famous sculptor named Phidias in Greece, while the architect of the famous buildings, among others called Ikhtinus.
Sculpture produces a variety of statues of gods and famous figures such as Zeus, Pericles, Plato, Aristotle and others. Note the bust of Plato's picture below!
Figure 6. Bust of Plato
In the reign of Pericles Greek building art flourished. Relics of ancient Greek buildings such as temples of worship. On the hill stands majestic Acropolis and the Parthenon temple Erechteum temple in which there is a statue of the goddess Palas Athena.
In the picture below you can observe pictures Partenon temple. Are you interested in the pole building? The pole is known as the Doria style. In addition to Doria style there are two styles Korintia and Ionia. For more details you can learn from arts education.
Figure 7. Partenon temple on the hill of the Acropolis On the hill Olymphus built temples to the god Zeus temple called Altis. In the Greek colonies were also built temples such as the temple of Zeus in southern Italy, the temple of Apollo at Milate and others. Apart from temples, heritage buildings are Greek theater building in Figure 8. You can watch picture theater in Epidaurus which is very magnificent.
Figure 8. Theater at Epidaurus
Theatre is a stage in the open field for staging such as comedy. The audience sat on benches made of stone. For the Greeks, theater was part of education and encouraged everyone to watch. You have studied the belief systems and cultural heritage of Greece. Write down your explanation of the figures or building listed in the table below. After you complete it, cocokkanlah with the information below.
Table 2. An explanation of the figures and Greek buildings.
Explanation of figures and Greek buildings are: 1. Greek Poets, the authorship of the Iliad and Odyseia. 2. Patron goddess of the city / safety. 3. Goddess of beauty. 4. God of the arts. 5. Creator of "Trojan horse", the Greek hero in the war against Troy. 6. Temple on the Acropolis hill in which a statue of goddess Pallas Athena. 7. Temple to worship the god Zeus in the hills Olymphus. 8. Expert chisel era king Pericles who made the bust of the god figures, Hera etc.. 9. A Greek playwright who created the play called Antigone. 10. King of Sparta who were hostile to the King Priamus of Troy in the Trojan War. Well of course you can answer correctly. Congratulations! Now continue your concentration to learn the Greek cultural heritage is very important that the philosophy and science through this description.
3. Philosophy and Science. As already mentioned in the description of the Greek government, was the policy of Athens gave birth to many experts think that the knowledge bequeathed to mankind. Fitting expression of Socrates who declared: "If you want to find a strong man go to Sparta, but if you want to find someone smart and wise, came to Athens". There are 3 people philosopher you need to know is: if there is paste image 2 Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc..
1. Socrates (469-399 S.M.), The teaching about the philosophy of ethics or morality with logic as a basis to discuss it. Socrates taught that humans can distinguish what is good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair. The teaching is addressed to young people who invited discussion. He eventually was sentenced to death by drinking poison because the charges had changed the fundamentals of ancient Greek society and ethics do not believe in the gods that people worship. 2. Plato (427-347 S.M.), Teaching of philosophy called philosophical ideas. He wrote many books, one titled Republica. Described in the book about the happiness of life that can be accomplished when people work with her character and her appointed rank. Plato also founded an educational center named Academus. 3. Aristotle (384-322 S.M.). He was a pupil of Plato, is an expert in the field of biology and civics. His work is famous, among others, Classification of Flora and Fauna of the Islands Aegeia. In the field ketatnegaraan, he argues that the system of good government is a republic. Good governance that the happiness of the maximum for all the people. Aristotle was the founder of an educational center named Peripatetis. One of his students is Alexandar the Great, Macedonian king.
Greeks Progress in science can be seen from the row of scientists as follows: 1. Pythagoras, mathematician who gave birth to the argument for a right triangle. Of course you know the formula Pythagoras! 2. Hippocrates, the father of medicine. He can say because the occurrence of disease and how to treat it are written in a book entitled Aphorismen and Prognose. Contribution is the famous oath physicians who apply to the present. To understand the oath of a doctor, find information about them may be from the health center in your neighborhood. Then discuss them with your friends about the explanation oath! Record the contents neatly oath doctors and explanation / your opinion.
3. Archimedes who created the theory of gravitation and the theory of floating objects. 4. Thales with his opinion: the physical universe is composed of one basic ingredient is water. 5. Analisagoras with his opinion: the material substance made up of diverse organisms. 6. Democritus: the atomic experts. 7. Euclid: a geometer. 8. Herodotus: Father of the history of the first to develop a written history. Do you remember to Herodotus on Egypt and Mesopotamia on the activities of three in one quarter? 9. Thucydides: The historian who wrote about war Peloponnese. So some examples of names of scientists who represent the progress of Greek science. In the subsequent description you will learn the end of the Hellenistic period.
Period End of Glory Greece
End of the Hellenistic period begins with the events as follows: 1. Peloponnese War 431-404 S.M. Peloponnese war caused by the policy that led the Athenian alliance poleis in the Attica peninsula called the League of Delos has a very strong influence in political and economic policy that Greece so much worried about the goal of "expansion" and ruled Athens. This situation led to Sparta as the Peloponnese League leader rose to lead other poleis facing Athens.

Delas league and league formation occurred after the war Parsi Peloponnese. Delas League led by Athens, tough in the navy while his army strong Sparta. Civil war erupted in 431 S.M. Spartans cut down the olive trees and other plants destroyed to cripple the economy of Athens. Athens experienced another disaster is the emergence of disease outbreaks due to poor sanitation thus causing the death of a quarter of the population of Athens including Pericles in 429 BC The death of Pericles contributed to the weak leadership of Athens. In the year 404 S.M. Sparta can beat Athens since the Persian aid. The civil war is narrated by the historian Thucydides scientifically means he wrote the history based on facts and try to write objectively.
How does this impact for the Greek Peloponnese war? It turned out that the war resulted in the fragility of the Greek defense to face the external threat of conquest by the Macedonian king who can you learn from the following description.
2. Greece dominated by Alexandar the Great of the Macedonian The war resulted in the Greek Peloponnese fragmented and weaker. Easily in the year 338 S.M. of the Macedonian king Philip to conquer Greece. Philip was killed and succeeded by his son, named Alexander the Great who ruled in 336-323 BC.
Look at figure 9 on Alexander the Great. The images contained on four drachmas currency made of silver released around the year 300 BC
Figure 9. Alexander the Great Alexander the Great became king at the age of 20 years. He was a pupil of Aristotle. Her goal is to master the kingdoms of the world at that time covering Europe (Greece), Africa (Egypt) and Asia (Mesopotamia and Persia). To realize these ideals of Alexander the Great led his army to do a variety of conquest. In each of the areas occupied so he suggested his soldiers to marry local women. Alexander the Great married Roxana, daughter of king Darius III of Persia, as well as other Persian princess named Stateira. In areas that have conquered it blends local culture with the Greek culture that was born the new culture called Hellenism. Alexander the Great also built cities in the territories that are all named Alexandria and also founded a library in each city. One of the city of Alexandria that Egypt still exist until now. In 325 S.M. Alexander the Great died. Since the year 323 S.M. territory becoming broke three parts, namely Macedonian. Greece dominated by General Antigomis, Syria and Egypt by General Seleucos, was ruled by General Ptolemy.
Once you learn the above description, you try to answer the questions below and write your answer on the points that are available. 1. Mention two causes collapse of the glory of Ancient Greece!

2. Describe the steps taken by Alexander the Great to rule and defend the territory!

To assure your understanding, now check out the following description to match your answers. 1. a. The split in the form of competition from Athens and Sparta that caused the Peloponnese. b. Attack of the Macedonian king Philip, and was continued by Alexander the Great. 2. a. Doing conquest with a formidable army. b. Perform a marriage with the daughter of a local princess. c. Do the mixing of cultures. How is your answer, whether it is appropriate? Great, if you answer correctly. A few descriptions of the activities of a material. Hopefully you have been able to master this material properly. To measure comprehension exercises you do it carefully.

ACTIVITY 1 Answer the following questions clearly!
1. List three examples of Crete civilization heritage. 2. Tell us about the background of the formation of the Greek poleis. 3. Tell us about the role of the institutions below. a. gereousia b. archon c. ephor d. aeropagos 4. Explain the ins and outs of Ostracisme that developed in Athens. 5. Tell us about the activities of ancient Greece Olympics and what role for the nation. 6. Mention at least 3 unifying element among the Greeks. 7. Explain the views / teachings of the philosopher Socrates! 8. Plato and Aristotle mentioned contribution to the advancement of education in his time. 9. Write the contents of the Hippocratic oath for the medical community and extend to the present. 10. What do you know about running a marathon?
Give a brief description of important events that occurred corresponding period in the chart below.
I. Year 2600 S.M. - 2000 S.M. : .... II. Year 2000 S.M. : .... III. Around 462 Year S.M. : .... IV. In 431 S.M. - 404 S.M. : .... V. Years 336-323 S.M. : ....

You should not read the answer key of a task is completed before working alone. If you've finished doing it and then match your answers on the back page of this module. If there are any mistakes you try to re-read a description of these activities until you understand it well.
Wishing you success always.

After studying the activities of these two modules, you can: 1. describes the life of Roman society; 2. describe the Roman system of government; 3. describe the Roman belief system, and 4. describe the Roman cultural heritage;
Principles of Material: 1. Roman public life 2. The Roman system of government 3. The belief of the Romans 4. The results of the cultural heritage of Roman
Surely you've heard the saying "Many roads to Rome". Have you ever imagine the beauty of the city of Rome? Rome is a picture of success and high civilization can exist because of human toil. In this second activity, you will learn the height of Roman civilization. Together with Greek civilization and Christianity, became a pillar of modern European and world civilization.
Community Life Roman

Figure 10. Map of Ancient Rome
Before you read the description below observe both images are presented in order to map the clearer your understanding. Located on the Peninsula Apenina Roman or Italian shoes right now that looks like Lars. Roman developments are influenced, among others: • strategic location on the Mediterranean suitable for commerce • Safe from invasion by foreign nations because of protected nature. In the north are the Alps, to the east is the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. In the south is the Sea of ​​Sicily and the west is Sea and Sea Tirenia Liguri. • a comfortable climate and fertile soil for farming. • The city of Rome as the forerunner of Greek civilization was built on seven hills on the banks of the river Tiber, so the situation is safe and protected.
Figure 11. Italy in the 6th century BC
The early Italians made up of many tribes, each of which has its own language and culture. The earliest settlers were arriving Tribe Tribe Umbria and Liguria, Latin and Samnite is likely to come from Central Europe. After that came the Etruscan tribe of Asia Minor and the people who founded Carthage and the Greek colonies in southern Italy. Who is the forerunner to the Romans who founded the government in Rome? One source used was a legend Vergellius work entitled "Aeneis". The book tells the story of a fugitive from Troy who was defeated by the Greeks in the Trojan war to the land of Latin named Aeneas in Italy. Then his son called Ascanius move inland and founded the city of Alba Longa. Some time later descendant of Aeneas called Rhea Silva named Amulius expelled his uncle since has given birth to twins named Remus and Romulus. By Amulius ordered the babies to be thrown in the river Tiber. Both babies are cared for by wolves until discovered by a shepherd and fosterage. As adults they founded the city of Rome. But Romulus killed Remus in a quarrel that Romulus became sole ruler in the city named Rome. To perpetuate the story made a bronze statue of a wolf-shaped seekot twins who are breastfeeding can you see the picture below. From legend to clarify the description of the arrival of foreign nations such as the Etruscan from the pasture around the Caspian Sea which then performs the mixing of blood with a population which first inhabited Italy.

Figure 12. Baby wolf suckling twins
As you have read the above description, the people live from agriculture and trade and shipping. Trade relations with the nations lived around the Mediterranean Sea Emperor Octavian even during August trading relationship extends to China via the trade route called the "Silk Road" (silk road). They are exporting ceramics, items of iron and bronze, and wood and similar drinks wine. Meanwhile, imports of goods including silk from China, spices from Indonesia, cotton and pearls from India. From Egypt imported ivory, paper and wild animals. From West Asia imported rugs, gemstones, salt and fish.
The Romans also had a high capability in metal processing, the use of stone for building, engineering arch (Arch) and the marsh drying techniques which they obtained from the Etruscan tribe. The Romans inherited the virtues of his ancestors such as strength, perseverance, tenacity, loyalty and doing what needs to be done with discipline. Attitude is what leads to the Roman glory.
After studying the above description, now answer the question below on the points that are available. 1. Among other sources of Roman history comes from the legend Aineas works .... 2. Rome was founded by two twin brothers that is .... 3. The Romans derived from a mixture of natives and settlers, each of which is ... and .... 4. Roman trade intertwined with other nations and importing goods from: a. West Asia: .... b. Egypt: .... c. Indonesia: .... d. India: .... e. China: .... 5. Roman attitudes inherited from ancestors were ....
After completing your answers, adjust answers with the information below. 1. Vergelius 2. Remus and Romulus 3. Latin and Etruscan 4. a. Rugs, gemstones, salt and fish
b. Paper, ivory and wild animals
c. Spices
d. Cotton and pearls
e. Silk 5. Strong, determined, tenacious, loyal, disciplined How is your answer. Of course your answer would be appropriate if you are really careful in learning. Congratulations to you. Once you learn the state of Roman society, you also can find the Roman system of government. Have you listened to the following description of the material.
Roman Government System
Broadly speaking, the Roman system of government can be described in the following chart:
Chart 1. The development of the Roman government (Each distances years given different colors)
1. Kingdom (the monarchy) 750 BC-500 BC On the first shaped Roman empire (monarchy) with the first king was Romulus. Roman kings is derived from the descendants of settlers who ruled the nation Etruscan indigenous tribes before the Latin.
Although the economy experienced growth, but the Roman Empire Latin nation was displeased against foreign rulers who wore military law to them. Roma population there was a successful revolt to overthrow the king Tarquin, overbearing as the last king of the Romans in 509 BC led by Lucius Junius Brutus. How did the Roman state next? Consider the description below carefully.
2. Roman Republic, 500 BC-27 BC In the Republic of the population is divided into two groups, namely: Patricia and Plebea. Patricia comes from the large land owners or people who have a hereditary class of aristocrats (nobles). Patricia Group considered a full citizen. Patricia comes from the Latin "patres" which means the father, while Plebea derived from the Latin "plebs" which means many people. They are not considered full citizens, but still has some political rights and the right to accumulate wealth. The people from the class patricia hold positions in the political institutions of the consul, the Senate and Assembly, or Asembly. Each of these political institutions can learn the details as follows:: a. Consul: is the holder of executive office for a term of one year. Consul amounted to 2 people. Each consul has the right to veto each other so that important decisions must be supported by two men. Consul is also an emergency force commander perang.Dalam war with the consent of the senate, consuls can abdicate the hands of one person called "dictator". The sense is very different from today's dictators. Dictator at the time of the Roman Republic holds power in a constitutional manner in a short time period of 6 months and can be extended if needed. b. Senate: Council whose members are comprised of people patricia, numbering about 300 people, coming from a former consul officials. Consul subject to the senate. The Senate also has the power to veto Council decisions. From the foregoing it is clear that the Senate has a tremendous influence on the Romans. c. Assembly: is an institution whose members come from groups and plebea patricia. Assembly tasks are: - Elect the consuls and other officials. - Approve or reject legislation proposed by the consuls and the senate. In the early reign of the Roman Republic is a Oligarkhi as occupying an important position in government is a small group of people from the class patricia. In a later development to provide equal opportunities for groups plebea sitting in the institutions of government made the first Roman law was written 449 years BC. Known as the "Twelve Tables" The composition of the community after the unification of the nobility and ordinary people are as follows: - Optimat: composed of nobles and rich commoners - Equites: the merchants and businessmen - Populus: ordinary people who have a voice in the People's Council - Slaves: the prisoners of war, who do not have the right - Poletar: Roman citizen who has only himself During this time whether the Roman Republic expanded? Can you confirm the more extensive areas of Rome. To strengthen its defenses in addition to the Roman Republic to develop and improve governance regular armed forces. Republic of Rome requires all citizens into the army. Army unit known as the Legion is composed of 3600 soldiers. Legion was divided into small groups between 60 to 120 people who called Maniple (literally a handful). The expansion is carried out by the Romans are as follows: 1. Up to the year 265 BC, the Romans succeeded in occupying the Peninsula Apenina including Greek colonies. 2. Phunicia war that lasted up to 3 times. Because the war is the demand Phunicia Syracuse king of Sicily to Rome to help face the expansion of trade city of Carthage. - Phunicia War I years (264 - 241SM) Roman victory and earned Western Sicily as a producer of wheat. - Phunicia War II (218-201 BC). Hannibal's Carthaginian army led by exerting its power to enter into Spain and Italy through the Alps. Hannibal Gaul tribe also requested assistance to strengthen its forces. Nevertheless Hannibal failed to conquer the Romans, even the Roman army led by Scipio managed to invade North Africa. In the year 201 BC Rome and Carthage are subject to surrender to the Spanish colony in Rome.
Figure 13. Hannibal Chest Statue
- Phunicia War III (149-146 BC). Roman armies to destroy Carthage named after the Roman senator Cato speech "Delenda est Carthago" (Carthage must be destroyed). Banguna destroyed buildings razed to the ground and made his domain the Roman dominions.
3. At the beginning of the second BC, the Romans can defeat the Macedonians and Syrians. After successfully conquering lands around the Mediterranean Sea the Romans regarded the Mediterranean as its own. Mediterranean Sea called Mare Nostrum or Kita. Who was the Roman statesman in the Republic? Roman statesmen, among others: a. Tiberius Gracchus (163-133 BC). He sought to improve the lot of farmers through the Land reform (reform of land ownership rights), but failed and he was killed. b. Gaius Gracchus (153-121 BC). He went on Land reform measures but also killed by the enemy. c. Marius (155-86 BC) who came to power in an autocratic manner but failed to improve political life. d. Sulla (83-79 BC). During his reign, he sided with the senate lot. He ruled as dictator for 4 years. e. Trump Vurat I (the Three), namely Pompey, and Julius Caesar Crussus. Of the three characters have finally Tamoil Julius Caesar as sole ruler. To know the character Julius Caesar, observe the image below.
Interesting note that you need to know about Julius Caesar character is: defeated the Gauls in Southern France, then recorded with the title "Oe Belo Gallica".
Figure 14. Statue of Julius Caesar As an illustration of the battle against the Gauls look at the picture below:
Figure 15. Striker Roman Army fort above the tower
Figure 16. Onager Onager or slingshot-
 In the wars in Asia Minor, he sent the famous message to Rome that said Veni, Vidi, Vici means: I came, I saw and I won.  Updating the Roman calendar, so-called Julian calendar which counts 365 days a year there as well known as a leap year calendar now. Did you know it's a leap year?  The birth of Julius Caesar is through surgery so that delivery by cesarean section operation is now called. The success of Julius Caesar as ruler of the Roman republic envied his enemies, among others, Brutus and Cassius to kill Julius Caesar in 14 BC.
f. What is the situation after the death of Julius Caesar Roman? The death of Julius Caesar in the Roman cause chaos. Came the second triumvirate consisting of Octavian (Julius Caesar's adopted son) Lepidus and Antony. All three leaders share power immediately. Leppidus in North Africa, Octavian control of the western region which is located in Rome, while Antony controlled the eastern region based in Egypt which was ruled by a queen Cleopatra. Egypt has a strategic position between the other as a grain warehouse to Rome. Antony married Cleopatra charmed and who have the same desire to liberate Egypt from the power of the Roman Republic. This gives rise to anger Octavianus so there was war. Both armies met in the Gulf of Actium (Southern Italy) won by Octavian. Antony and Cleopatra returned to Egypt and committed suicide. Up here a description of the reign of the Roman Republic. To find out your understanding, do matter are presented below carefully.
Table 3. During the Roman Republic
After you complete the above then cocokkanlah with information below. 1. People's Council representative on the form since the time of the Roman empire 2. The nobility and the wealthy days of the Roman empire 3. Last king of Rome was overthrown by the people who dipimpinin by Lucius Brutus Jumius 4. Holders of government in the Republic amounted to 2 people 5. Roman citizen who has only himself 6. Roman war against the kingdom Phunisia in Carthage fight over the middle of the Sea of ​​power that lasts 3 times as follows: 264-241 BC 0.218 to 201 BC and 146 BC 7. Roman republican figures who fought for the interests of farmers Land reform, but he was killed 8. One trump Virat I, the famous Roman Republic with the slogan Veni, Vidi, Vici, author of Debelo Gallica 9. Triad consisting of Octavian, Lepidus, Antony 10. Egyptian queen who was married to Anthony of both Roman suicide after being defeated by Octavian. How does your answer after the match? Ensure? if you are serious about learning the right of all, congratulations to you. In the following description you can learn about governance in the form of the Roman empire.
3. The Roman Empire 27 BC-395 As you have learned through the Roman governance system chart on the previous description the term of the Roman Empire can be divided into two parts. The period of pax Romana (Roman Inperium) from 27 BC to AD 180 and before, in the Roman Empire 180-395 experienced a period of decline. During the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire experienced the heyday ruled by 16 emperors from Caesar to Marcus Aurelius Octavian August. Do you know the meaning of Pax Romana? Pax Romana means peace under Roman rule, meaning the entire territory occupied by the Roman empire under the subjection of a powerful Roman government. For comparison, the Dutch had colonized Indonesia during the term Pax memperaktekan Neer landica in Indonesia (Netherlands Indies) since the early twentieth century.
Do you understand? If you have, Great! Now you can continue following description of the reign of the emperors of Rome.

a. Octavian Augustus (27 BC - 14 BC) After defeating Antony, Octavian became the most powerful men in Rome. By the senate he was made emperor of the first and earn some titles are: Augustus means all-glorious, Imperator means supreme commander, Pontifex Maximus means the head of religion even then regarded as a god, Princep Civitas primary meaning townspeople. Emperor Augustus ruled by dictators, but respected by his people.
Figure 17. Emperor Octavian Augustus During the Pax Romana was born the Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) in Judea as a province / Roman colony. Christianity later spread to Rome and the immense influence of European civilization. His administration developed rapidly so-called golden age of Rome. The city of Rome was built very majestic, even extensive trade relations to China via the Silk Road (Silk Road). You remember that the civilization of Europe in the wake of Greek culture, Roman and Christian religions. In the area of ​​governance, the emperor Octavian important actions include: - Held a consolidated government, - Remove the power the Senate, - Build a tersentralisasir and effective administration, - Inauguration of the adoption agency (the appointment) as the heir to wealth, and - Provide subsidies for citizens who marry legally. b. Tiberius (14-37): is a stepchild in-law at the same time the emperor Augustus. c. Caligula (37-41): the emperor is considered less insane because his favorite horse a consul lifted. d. Claudius (41-54): placed under the supervision of Romawi.Ia introduce English customs and language of Latin literature and therefore contributes to British culture. e. Nero (54-68): is a cruel emperor. He can kill his mother, his brother, his wife, even his teacher named Seneca. He burned the city of Rome but blamed the Christians as the culprit as an excuse to persecute them.
Figure 18. Bust of the Emperor Nero f. Galba (68-69) g. Otho (69) h. Vittellius (69) i. Vespasian (69-79), an emperor who built the Colosseum. j. Titus (79-81), he was ordered by Vespasian, his father to demolish Jerusalem and drove the Jews out of the country. During his reign of Mount Vesuvius erupted destroying the city of Pompeii. k. Domitian (81-96), managed to control England and Scotland. He demanded he be worshiped as gods.
l. Nerva (96-98) m. Trajan (98-117). The Roman Empire at the time of Trajan has the most extensive area include: the west is the Atlantic Ocean, east of the Euphrates river and the Black Sea, north of the river Danube and Rhine rivers, south of the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert. n. Hadrian (117-138). An emperor who built the wall (limes). His legacy can be found in the UK and Central Europe between the Rhine and Danube rivers. Note the picture 19.
Figure 19. Hadrian's Wall The figure shows limes Hadrian built along 118 miles in the UK. Do you remember, what nation building big walls like the relics of the emperor Hadrian? Is its function? o. Antonius Pius (138-161) p. Marcus Aurelius (161-180): an emperor who loved science, philosophy and literature. How did the emperor could rule over the region's vast empire? This is possible because the government is more than a decentralized federation. Each country should organize its own government with the obligation: paying taxes, helping the energy to fight and organize and oversee the ceremonial worship of the emperor. Since the year 180 the Roman Empire declined. Approximately 100 years of Roman pervaded by violence and civil war. Some of the emperors who ruled during this decline include: Diocletian (284-305), is a cruel emperor. He ordered the murder of followers of Christianity. Those who managed to escape making a hole in the protection of coral caves called Catacombe. The next emperor Constantine the Great (324-337). He moved the Roman capital from Rome to Byzantium (Constantinople), which is now called Istanbul. In 313 Constantine issued Edic Milan that contains commands to stop the persecution of Christians and the Christian religion sets became the official religion of state: Emperor Thedosius (378-395) establishes Christianity as the state religion. He divided the empire to his two sons: the Western Roman Empire capital in Rome to Honorius, his youngest son and eldest son named Archadius power in the East with its capital of Constantinople. After reading the above description, maybe in your heart the question: "How did things Western and Eastern Roman Empire after 395 years of division on it"? Find the answer by reading the description below. State of the Western Roman decline both in the field of trade and industry, resulting in a weak state finance, unbearable inflation and declining value of money. The traders turned their business into the field of agriculture, the economy changed from money to the household economy closed economy. City of retreat and security is not guaranteed. In the 5th century is 476 years Odoker calling itself the king of Germania in Italy. Western Roman empire split into several kings ruled by Germania. Like the East Goths, West Goths, Burgundy, Vandals, Lambordia and Francia (France, Belgium, Holland, West Germany). Byzantine territory include: Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor (up to Armenia), Syrians and Egypt to the Euphrates. After 476 years of the Western Roman relations and practically broke up the Roman East. Byzantine can last until the year 1453 by trading in and every attack of the barbarian nations addressed by giving tribute. In 1453 finally ruled Constantinople by Sultan Muhammad II of Turkey. East of the famous Roman Emperor, among others, is Justinian. Once you understand the description of the Roman kekaisaraaan then do it the question that is on the table below.
Table 4. Important events during the Roman Empire
Once you write down the answers above and then match your answer with a description below: 1. Octavianus 2. Vespasian 3. building limes (tembol defense) in the UK and Central Europe. 4. moved the Roman capital to Constantinople and issued Edict of Milan in 313 that sets the Christian religion is recognized by the state. 5. Titus 6. Roman rule divides into two parts: the Western Roman thousands of Rome, the Byzantine city of Constantinople thousand (Bizantuum). 7. the cruel emperor, murdered mother, brother, wife, and his teacher. Rome burn, persecute Christians. 8. emperor who like philosophy, literature, and science. How do you answer, already sesuaikah? Sure, and congratulations to you. As a conclusion from the discussion of the ancient Roman system of government consider the second chart below Chart 2. Roman governance system
By reading the chart you would feel more secure and master the material on the Roman pemeriiintahan system. In the subsequent description you can learn the Roman belief system.
The belief system of The Romans
When the Roman empire stands, public confidence is still anisme. Do you still remember what anisme? Anisme is the belief and worship of spirits. The Romans worshiped some spirits such as: - Vesta is the spirit of the fire board - Lares household guardian spirit and the limit of a family farm - Penates of the guardian spirits of the barn Roman civilization also had a major influence of Greek civilization, including the trust that is Polytheism. The Romans also worship the gods of the Greeks, but his name adapted the Roman names.
Table 6. Gods and goddesses that were worshiped, among others:
How's the belief of the Romans next? After the birth of the Christian religion, which is the ground Judea Roman empire then this new religion began to flourish even in Rome as the seat of government. The spread westward by Peter and Paul. Adherents of the Christian religion more and more especially from the slave class (the oppressed). Why did the Roman emperor then ordered his troops to suppress the Christian religion? Because the teachings of the Christian religion could destabilize the joints of the emperor. These precepts are: a. while the Roman religion is monotheism is polytheism, b. reject the deification of the emperor, c. reject slavery, and d. refusing compulsory military service and war.
With regard to building trust is developed worship of gods and goddesses such as the Pantheon building is home to the Roman gods. Having established the Christian religion as the state religion of Rome became the center of Roman Catholic religious leader called the Pope and built a magnificent church known as St. Peter's church.
From the description above of the Roman belief there are the names of deities are also used for the names of the planets in the universe. Write the names of the planets are at the points below. a) ... b) ... c) ... d) ... If your answer is: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus indicates that it is right, congratulations to you. At the end of the second, here you will learn the cultural heritage of the Roman heritage for mankind.
Cultural relics of Roman
1. Art Building: The Romans had considerable expertise in the field of structural art-they have found the system so that the concrete buildings, they survive a few centuries and traces can be found now. Relics of Roman buildings, among others: • Dozens of temples that dot the city of Rome • Pantheon that is home to the Roman gods. • Limes wall of defense that is tens of kilometers in length, width 2.5 m and height 6 m • amphitheater and the Colloseum stadium-shaped building that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of spectators. The building serves as a place to live entertainment. Note the picture below.
Figure 20. Collosium, gladiator venue Roman society generally enjoys entertainment. Performances are held at Collosium among others Chairot ie chariots drawn by several horses. Gladiator is a fight between man and man or man and beast: • Circus Maximus for the entertainment circus. • Forum Romanum of government buildings. • Cloaca Maxima is the irrigation channel to channel excess rain water, which until now were well maintained. • the building aqueducts running water. Physical building that was built by the Romans had a multi-function example: highway above to accelerate the movement of troops from the center to the regions, while below it for irrigation purposes. One of the powerful highway Via Apia are still preserved until today.
Figure 21. Aqueducts, Building Waterways 2. Literary Arts At first the development of Roman literature had a strong influence from Greece but gradually their works reveal typical Roman. In addition to writing books and works Vergelius Aeneis essay titled Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallica still a lot of literary works produced by the poets of ancient Rome. Among others: • Horace with his work entitled Oda • Livius, a historian who wrote a book called Magnum Opus • Lucretuis, a philosopher and poet. Greek philosopher who developed the famous doctrine of Epi Curuc his work entitled Natural Law written in the form of poems that explore the material was composed of atoms. • produce literary works titled Ovidius Metamorphoses. • Cicero the orator corator and earn the title "Father of Latin Prose". • Quintilianus, a famous orator and teacher retotika major work entitled Institutes of the Oratorio become standard textbook Latin speech. • Seneca, a writer and lawyer, his work called Dialogue. He is a teacher emperor Nero. Similarly, descriptions of literary art. Are you interested to learn more about the literary works of Roman poets? If so, borrow in the school library penyenggara, maybe there are books that you want. The next cultural relics that you can learn is science. 3. Science In science the Romans continued the knowledge that has been developed in ancient Greece. Among the Roman scientist Galen, among others, experts in the field of medicine, anatomy, and physiology. Lucretius is following in the footsteps of Epicurus and argued that the material consists of atoms.
Figure 22. Rodus medicine Figure 23. Surgical tools
The Romans put more emphasis in terms of practicality, not theory alone. Donations to the Roman in the fields of medicine and medicine is very large for the world today. They have used raďas medicine like in the picture above. Raďas medicine was found in Pompeii, one among 200 medical tools to examine the inside of the mother is pregnant. Raďas called a speculum is used raďas resembles today. In figure 23 above is the surgical tools such as tongs (Tweezer). The doctors successfully perform thyroid surgery, tonsil, and kidney stones. The doctors managed to help the birth of a baby that can not be born normally called a cesarean section (so called because the first time for the birth of Julius Caesar). Many medical terms are now using Latin. Education is considered that teach about the law, language, knowledge of medicine, speech, patriotism and physical education so was born the term "mensana in corporesano". You know, what does this expression? Advance of Roman civilization are also evidenced through regular governance, a strong military and a robust legal as you can learn the following.
4. Government, Military and Law Roman governance neatly run with multiple joints as follows: • centralization of government, centered on the emperor. • implementation of a strict order and security. • communication between central and local well-maintained facilities and supported by good infrastructure. • The hierarchy starts at empire-pretectur--provincial dioceses. • to maintain power over a vast territory pursued divide et impera tactic later emulated by many modern nations are doing for example Dutch colonialism in Indonesia.
The Romans are able to organize a military force organized. These terms are used it is still known in the military world to the present example legion, division, cavalry, infantry and others. The spirit of defending the country called patria protesta established early mungklin its citizens. The term has developed into the word patriot who you know in Indonesia.

In the field of Roman law to make big contributions in upholding justice. The concept that all are equal before the law and the presumption of innocence has been developed in ancient Roman law. Roman law fairly and humanely. Roman law developed through a long historical process since the mid-fifth century BC to the birth of the emperor Justinian law books of the 6th century BC. Emperor Justinian codify (recorded) the laws of the Roman emperors who reigned before. Codification of the law is called the Corpus Jurists or Codex Justinian. Codex contains a collection of basic laws or constitutions since the time of Theodosius. In addition there Pandect Codex is a collection of opinions of the jurists. Used as the basis for the Justinian Codex Codex Napoleon further developed into a modern law until now.
Up here the description of the cultural heritage Romawi.Apakah you already know? How did your impression of Roman civilization? Is the progress of Roman civilization can be equated with the Roman Empire? Try to write down your understanding by explaining return terms below. 1. Greatness of the Romans than the Greeks in the art of building is ... 2. The legacy of religious buildings that share a common function is to worship in Greece ... Roman ... 3. Limes stockade or similar functions with similar buildings in the country ... 4. Colloseum is ... 5. The epic Aeneas Vergelius work can be compared to great works of Greek era entitled ... essay ... 6. The epic Aeneas Vergelius work can be compared to great works of Greek era entitled ... essay ... 7. Militarism in the Roman military life like in Greece, especially Polis ... 8. Greek and Roman statesmen who developed the law is ...
Not hard, was it? Now match your answers with the following information: 1. Concrete system 2. Greece: temples Partenon, the Roman Pantheon 3. Of China. 4. Buildings such as the stadium for a variety of performances and entertainment such as: Gladiator, fighting lions with humans and others. 5. Homer's Iliad and Odyssal essay 6. Atom 7. Sparta 8. Greece: Solon and Pericles, Roman: Justinian Already cocokkah your answer with the statement above? If not, you need to reopen parts of which may be difficult to be solved soon. Please try again. Congratulations, you have completed a study on the activities of two of the ancient Greek civilization as well. To measure your understanding of this subject matter, do the following exercises with care. You should not see the answer key before you work to complete.

ACTIVITY 2 I. Choose one of the most appropriate answer from the question below!
1. The sea that separates the Greek Roman is ...
A. Black Sea C. Ionian Sea
B. Mediterranean D. Sea Liguri E. Sicilian Sea 2. Historical sources to learn about ancient Roman civilization is a literary essay titled Vergelius ...
A. Iliad and Odyssal C. Magnum Ophus
B. De bello Gallica D. Metamorphose E. Aeneas 3. Consul is a body set up in the era of the Roman Republic that serves ...
A. Holds the executive power (government) B. Lifting the King as head of state C. Overseeing the administration run by the king D. Representing the region in fighting for people's aspirations E. Giving advice is needed by the King 4. During the Roman Republic developed the role of merchant and entrepreneur community called ...
A. Optimat C. Proletarian
B. Equites D. Patricia E. Plebeya 5. "Veni, Vidi, Vici" was the slogan raised by the commander of the war ...
A. Octavian C. Julius Caesar
B. Anthony D. Pompey E. Lepidus 6. Important relic that was built during the emperor Hadrian in the form of ...
A. Pantheon Temple C. Forum Romanzum
B. Colloseum D. Limes in Britain E. Aquaduct 7. Edict of Milan in 313, contains statements about ...
A. Determination of the Christian religion is recognized by the Roman government B. Determination of the Christian religion as the religion of the Roman state C. Oppression of the nations who refuse to worship the emperor D. Freedom for the slaves to embrace his religion E. The division of the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman 8. The leader of the gods worshiped by the Romans is ...
A. Mars C. Apollo
B. Mercury D. Jupiter E. Zeus
9. Relics of ancient Roman buildings are as follows, except ..
A. Colloseum C. Circus maximus
B. Aquaduct D. Via Apia E. Temple Partenon 10. Roman emperor who contributed to the legal record and the law is ...
A. Octavian C. Marcus Aurelius
B. Justinian D. Theodosius E. Constantine
II. Answer the questions below. 1. Explain the legend of the founding of Rome. 2. Explain the important events in the reign of Julius Caisar 3. Name the two people are famous Roman emperor and describe important notes made during his reign lasted. 4. Explain 3 causes the collapse of the Western Roman 5. 4 Provide evidence of ancient Roman civilization donations for the benefit of mankind up to now. If you have completed the answers to the questions above, then cocokanlah your answers with the answer key provided. Try and never give up, you will certainly succeed.
Happy to do, good luck.
Congratulations, you've finished studying the module 5 about ancient civilizations in Europe that originates in the civilization of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. After approximately 8 hours of class 8 x 45 minutes you mempelajri this module, of course you already understand the growth and development until the decline of European civilization of ancient, well. Some important things you have learned from the contents of this module are: A. Ancient Greek civilization civilization which includes the island of Crete, the Greek public life, government system, belief systems, some relics of the Greeks and the end of the Hellenistic period. By studying ancient Greek civilization, a lot of things have you understand, among others, the critical character of the Greeks who gave birth to so many different philosophers and science and cultural heritage in general. Reflecting on the life of the Greek nation, we need to realize how important their studies to improve achievement and our dignity as human beings B. Ancient Roman Civilization which covers the life of Roman society, the Roman system of government, trust the Romans and the last part is some of the relics of Roman culture. By studying the Roman administrative system showed the presence of the cruel actions include such obvious Nero.Tindakan emperor should be prevented since it is incompatible with human values ​​we hold dear. The value we need to love each other fertilizers and we realize for our fellow human beings that will create a spirit of kinship and peace.
To measure your ability, do the questions as a final test module. Allow yourself is carefully and thoroughly so that you can get the performance you'd expect in an optimal fashion. When finished answering these questions, ask your test results to teachers coached Anda.Apabila you answered correctly 80% or more means you have understood the contents of this module with baik.Selamat to Anda.Apabila your answer is less than 80% do not you disappointed much less desperate . Hindarkanlah attitude easily discouraged. Try again once you've learned, especially the modules that you find difficult until you understand it in earnest. Study textbooks and other books that support as a learning resource that can add to your insight. Historia Magistra Vitae, learn from bad sejarah.Yang leave, which both take and develop for the good in the present and future.
Congratulations to learn, good luck
Codex: Book of the law Colomus: Greek Farmers Ephon: Policy Advisory king in Sparta Gladiator: A fight man to man as an interesting spectacle in Rome. Hellenism: Mixing elements of Macedonian Greek culture with the local culture in the East that gave birth to a new culture. Empire: the kingdom or empire. Legend: Folklore that has to do with historical events. Mensana Incorporesano: Roman motto which means in a healthy body there is a strong spirit. Mythology: The science of studying literature which tells the tale about the life of the gods of a nation. Ostracon: Fractions of a clay pot that was used to write the name of someone who is considered dangerous to the Romans. Pantheon: the Temple of the great dwelling place of gods and goddesses in Roman. Speculum: Medical devices for check-containing part of the mother.

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